A string is stretched between fixed points separated by $75.0\,\, cm.$ It is observed to have resonant frequencies of $420\,\, Hz$ and $315\,\, Hz$. There are no other resonant frequencies between these two. The lowest resonant frequency for this string is .... $Hz$
Length of a string tied to two rigid supports is $40 cm$. Maximum length (wavelength in $cm$) of a stationary wave produced on it is ... $cm$
A certain string will resonant to several frequencies, the lowest of which is $200 \,cps$. What are the next three higher frequencies to which it resonants?
A tuning fork vibrating with a sonometer having $20\,cm$ wire produces $5$ beats per sec. The beat frequency does not change if the length of the wire is changed to $21\,cm$. The frequency of the tuning fork must be ..... $Hz$
A tuning fork of frequency $340\, Hz$ is sounded above an organ pipe of length $120\, cm$. Water is now slowly poured in it. The minimum height of water column required for resonance is .... $cm$ (speed of sound in air $= 340 \,m/s$)
Figure shows a snapshot for a travelling sine wave along a string. Four elemental portions $a, b, c$ and $d$ are indicated on the string. The elemental portion which has maximum potential energy is/are